
Acoustic Scanner Interpretation


GeoConsult utilises powerful licensed digital imaging software with Slim Acoustic Scanner (SAS) data that when interpreted, provides a low cost, high technology appraisal of geotechnical conditions experienced downhole. SAS data has been in common use in the Australian mining industry for over 10 years and is widely recognised as a stand-alone wireline geophysical tool capable of detecting faults, fractures, joints and other planar defects that intersect the borehole.

Modern Techniques

The use of modern SAS technology combined with traditional geotechnical techniques can provide improved confidence on analysis of defects and structures that are encountered downhole.

Geoconsult's depth of in-house knowledge and experience can offer quality examination and evaluation of rock mass defects to the industry. Projects are reported by using graphical representations of the SAS data, as shown in the associated images and incorporated within written technical reports.


The SAS tool is particularly useful in evaluating the nature and orientation of defects in the rock mass. The manipulation of digital data allows the accurate orientation of planar features that intersect a borehole, while borehole breakout is readily identifiable allowing the measurement of insitu stress fields using 360 acoustic caliper imaging.

Geoconsult can undertake analysis of slimline acoustic scanner data at a fraction of the cost of on-site examination of core or underground inspection of roof, wall and floor sections.

08 SAS Interp 20120822.pdf

Horizontal cross-section of 360 degrees caliper plot showing typical borehole breakout

Typical scanner image highlighting an area of borehole breakout, assisting in the assessment of stress regimes.