Mine Coal Seam Gas & Fugitive Emissions
The National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting (NGER) Act 2007 has established national guidelines for the reporting of estimates of carbon emissions in line with existing international commitments for planned reductions.
In response to these guidelines, GeoConsult is able to provide you with a gas emission package that can be tailored to your needs.
Design & Implementation of Gas Content Drilling Programs
Planning, scheduling and logisitics of drilling programs for gas reservoir assessment, gas emission, reservoir deliverability parameters and seam gas hazards.
Modelling, basin analysis and identification of gas bearing strata.
Supervision of sampling at drill site.
Review of existing site procedure for gas content sample collection in the field, to ensure both correct sampling techniques and sample handling methods are employed to achieve accurate results.
Analytical Services
AS 3980* compliant fast and slow desorption gas content method (Q1,Q2 and Q3)
Compositional analysis of desorbed gas and analysis of residual gas (Q3) for target coal seams.
Coal quality testing - Proximate Analysis, RD and ARD for target coals seams.
Lithological logging of core, technical evaluation and modelling of gas content.
Gas in Place Estimate
Gas in Place Estimations in accordance with NGER (Measurement) Determination 2008 guidelines
* The standard AS3980 is not part of our scope of accreditation.
| Mine Coal Seam Gas and Fugitive Emissions.pdf |
Identification of Potential gas bearing strata and domains in relation to the pit floor is essential to modelling total Gas in Place.